2020 Vision


As 2019 comes to an end, it’s time to get ready for 2020. I think the whole “2020: Year of Vision” thing is pretty clever and I only wish I had come up with it!

According to the American Optometric Association, “20/20 vision” is considered normal visual acuity or the clarity or sharpness of your vision⏤meaning, you can see clearly at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 20 feet. If you have 20/100 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 100 feet. Can you say coke bottle lenses?

20/20 vision is not necessarily perfect vision; it simply indicates that your vision is sharp or clear at a distance. But in addition to visual acuity, it is also important to have other visual abilities such as good peripheral (side) vision, depth perception, and the ability to focus.

Visual ability is a great metaphor for the various aspects of our lives. We need clarity in 2020 to move forward in our purpose. We must be aware of what is happening on the periphery that brings context to and helps us to understand the impact of our path in 2020. We’ve got to move beyond the superficial and pursue outcomes with depth. And we must let go of distractions and refine our focus on what really matters.

Perhaps you’re farsighted and have the ability to see the big picture clearly at a distance but you’re unable to bring the nearer day-to-day tasks into focus. Or conversely, maybe you can see the day-to-day clearly, but you’re nearsighted⏤having trouble putting it all together and sustaining it consistently over time. No matter your vision challenges in 2020, let me help you identify and remove what is limiting your ability to see clearly. We’ll select the right strategies and put in place the right structure and the accountability you need to improve (and execute) your 2020 vision. Schedule your Living Well Breakthrough Call below to get started.